Handling MudBlazor Popover dismissal
Just trying not to forget this...
Anywhere in the component, create a MudOverlay
as shown below. When the visibility of the overlay changes, the FiltersOverlayVisibileChanged
gets called.
Then in the C# code, add the following values. The ToggleFiltersVisible
is the method that shows/hides the overlay and the popover:
MudOverlay? filtersOverlay;
bool filtersVisible = false;
void ToggleFiltersVisible() => filtersVisible = !filtersVisible;
And this method which handles what to do when the visibility changes. Note that it sets the filtersVisible
value which is bound to the visibility of the popover. This links the visibility of the overlay and the popover:
public async Task<bool> VisibilityChangeHandler()
filtersVisible = (filtersOverlay?.Visible ?? false);
logger.LogInformation("Filters overlay visibility changed to {Visible}", filtersVisible);
if (!filtersVisible && (_originalViewModel != AccountPickerState.AccountFiltersViewModel))
logger.LogInformation("Overlay closing and original view model does not match current state - restoring original values");
await _mediator.Send(new AccountPickerState.UpdateFilters { FiltersViewModel = _originalViewModel });
await _mediator.Send(new AccountPickerState.RefreshAccountSelectors());
logger.LogInformation("Original view model matches current state - nothing to do.");
return filtersVisible;
And this to let the overlay do something when the visibility changes. You can see this method references the VisibilityChangeHandler